Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! 
I spent the last day of 2023 reflecting on the year, making resolutions for myself and spending time with my children. 
I then went to my sister's house and watched the ball drop with her, my mom and my kids. We even got in a little shopping old school while taking advantage of the New Years Eve sales in QVC. I plan on writing a letter to myself in the morning that I will open next year, as well as revamp last years resolutions board since there are still some things in the board that I want to include in this upcoming year. 
Funny enough both my kids ( ages 5 & 1) managed to stay up and watch the ball drop. The youngest immediately went to bed as soon as I got home ( I let my oldest have a slumber party at her aunties house with her and her nana). Now I'm chillin under a dual electric heated blanket, ankles propped up on pillows, back propped up on pillows, listening to André Leon Talley 's book on Audible while a rain and chimney fire soundscape on YouTube plays in the background.

So here are my resolutions for this year. Mind you I am flexible and give myself grace when creating my resolutions, giving me room to grow and change for the better. 

🪩 Lose 20 more lbs and watch my health (by making better eating choices by cooking mire at home and nit eating out as much, going and sticking to my walking route, and getting back to hula hooping and jumping rope).
🪩 Making the most out of the college experience (by getting good grades,  getting the bad grades erased, cheer at a game, and remain on track to graduating SMC on time.
🪩 Be a better mom by spending more individualized time with each of my kids so that they each feel loved and cared for equally.
🪩 Take more time out for myself and practice more self care. Build myself up more and that includes building up my confidence,  and a better wardrobe. I also am going to start dating myself and I am going to set up proper boundaries with people. 
🪩 Try my hardest not to yell and to watch my temper.
🪩 Find a hobby and see it through. Maybe plant a garden, make a crystal picture or draw.
🪩 Read more books.

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