My Solo Date

Today I decided to hop on the train and treat myself to a museum IMAX movie entitled "Blue Whales Return Of The Giants" 3D. My deep love and respect for the ocean knows no bounds. I've been craving to be near the ocean lately because being around large bodies of water soothes my spirits and calms my very being, but with school and taking care of the kids I haven't been able to go to the beach or get on a boat in long Beach or the marina so I figured an IMAX movie about huge whales in the ocean is just what I needed. 

The one thing I didn't count on today was #1 running for the expo line train, and #2 going to the IMAX on a day when schools were there on a field trip. Starting with #1, I ran like hell and managed to catch my train because I think the bus driver took pity on me watching my ass run in flip flops with a lunch bag in tow (cuz yall know theater popcorn is too damn high). For #2 at least the kids sthu when the lights went low and were silent for the film (thank god). 

So for what it's worth, the movie was brilliant. The way it was shot, the whales , the dolphins, the krill and other wildlife.  The sounds from the whales communicating vibrated the whole seat and my body. It felt like a spiritual cleansing. I left feeling refreshed and wanting to know more about blue whales.

I will definitely be back because they have a space film I want to check out. 

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